
As educational innovators, we strive to offer resources which incorporate our learnings in comprehensive guides to facilitate an impactful journey in the classroom for the students at Erasmus University Rotterdam. 

Chat GPT report

In this report, we explore how ChatGPT can be used in higher education. We discuss ethical and unethical uses of ChatGPT and how it can be used to offer support.

Co-Creation Guide

Co-creation engages students more actively in taking ownership of and responsibility for their learning journey. This guide supports EUR teachers with ideas, tools, and reflections on how to co-create with students.

Collapse board game

COLLAPSE is a team-based serious game that teaches participants to think systematically about building resilient communities in a future with an unstable, warming climate.

Crafting innovative teams guide

Since the start of ErasmusX , we've constantly innovated within our team. This guide unpacks how we got where we are right now.

F.A.I.R. Assessing & Grading guide

Assessing and grading aren't always experienced as fair by students due to a number of reasons. Together with RSM, we decided to explore this topic during a course and share our learnings.

Inclusion Impact Report

The Inclusion Impact Report highlights the impact created by the Inclusion Project by ErasmusX including the Inclusive Education Program.

Learning Approaches Guide

This learning approaches guide is a collection of various educational approaches that can be used in higher education.

Programmatic assessment guide

Programmatic Assessment is an assessment framework that pushes us as educators to make certain essential shifts in teaching.

Reflective Playbook

The purpose of the Reflective Playbook is to promote meaningful discussions, self-reflection, and critical engagement about how personal, historical, and institutional relationships influence the educational environment at EUR.

Universal Design for Learning Guide (Screen-reader friendly)

This guide includes the exact same content as our other Universal Design for Learning (UDL) guide, however this is a high-contrast & screen-reader friendly one. Specifically made for people with a functional impairment.

Universal design for learning guide

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an approach to proactively designing learning for all learners by lowering barriers, teaching flexibility and diversity & inclusion.