
The Inclusion project encompasses a series of initiatives focused on fostering equitable and inclusive education, as well as fair assessment approaches. Students who belong to under-represented groups are often experiencing the most challenges and their voice remains unheard. Through the Inclusion project, we aim to address the systemic barriers that prevent all students from being included in their education.
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towards an inclusive university

The Inclusion project at ErasmusX had two sub-projects. Design for Inclusion, a completed project, and the Inclusive Education Programme for Teachers, which has been discontinued as of the end of December 2023. Some elements of this project have already been disseminated to a variety of partners (Risbo, CLI, IDEA Center, Student Support Services, SMF) and stakeholders to continue contributing to the EUR-wide inclusive education agenda. 

Design for Inclusion
This project has been ongoing during a Design Thinking course for students of the Management of Innovation Master’s program. The course revolved around students elaborating prototypes that address challenges related to inclusion and accessibility, guided by created by EUR students and staff (who identified as experiencing accessibility challenges) and direct interactions with a panel of students and staff with functional impairment. The course is taught using the Universal Design for Learning approach.

Inclusive Education Program for EUR Educational Staff
Building on the valuable input and experiences from the Design for Inclusion initiative, the Inclusive Education Programme for Educational Staff was launched. This initiative started by building on co-sensing and generating data together with students and staff from minoritized groups at EUR to contribute to an inviting educational space, through a collaboration between different actors (IDEA, SMF, Student Support Services, Risbo), radical dreaming sessions, and a co-creative space.


To listen to students' experiences and learn from their feedback and ideas in order to develop a more inclusive educational culture and climate at EUR

To share inclusive and equitable teaching practices (such as the use of Universal Design for Learning, and equitable assessment and grading practices)

To build capacity and collective self-efficacy within our teaching body to teach in more inclusive, equitable and accessible ways


We developed the ErasmusX Guide on Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

We developed the ErasmusX Guide on FAIR Assessment & Grading

We developed the Impact Report and Reflective Playbook

We completed the Design for Inclusion project version 1 in the fall of 2022

We promoted the 6 video stories on the IDEA Knowledge Platform that were created by EUR students and staff

Partners & contributors