Chatgpt in higher education

When technology makes its way into teaching and learning and starts changing how we learn and teach, how do we respond? And how do we set the direction of a fast-moving development that affects education and virtually all aspects of its connections to society? This project aims to share and expand the knowledge about generative AI and what it can do for higher education.
Milan V.
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Milan V.
Jonathan Flores
get in touch with
Jonathan Flores

Say hi to chat gpt!

To address a challenge of this scope, any approaches, strategies, and solutions must be a result of interdisciplinary, multi-expertise collaboration, which is why we continue to expand the number of our collaborators. By engaging with teachers, students, and learning innovators, we:
• Contextualize ChatGPT in higher education by sharing ways to engage with it
• Experiment with ChatGPT to explore its potential in teaching and learning
• Work with collaborators on new approaches to support the integration of ChatGPT in higher education


To complement evidence-based pedagogy with out-of-the-box solutions necessary for incorporating a new, fast-moving phenomenon such as generative AI into teaching and learning practices in higher education.

To translate ongoing activities into resources and tools for the EUR community.

To create best practices and tested solutions for using ChatGPT in academic contexts.

To prepare EUR for the paradigm shift where generative AI is an integral part of learning, teaching, and research.


We organized ongoing workshops on integrating ChatGPT for academic and professional staff at EUR.

We launched a survey on the use of ChatGPT across universities.

We launched a blog series on ChatGPT (and other generative AI) in teaching.

We initiated collaborations with teaching staff who are on the cutting edge of using and integrating ChatGPT in teaching.

Partners & contributors